I think I’m going to stop coloring my hair. What’s the point really? It’s not like it’s actually keeping me from aging. It’s going to happen whether I want it to or not, at least until I die. Covering up the telltale signs will only make it harder to process once denial is no longer an option. Knowing myself as well as I do, I know it will be easier to bear in little bits and pieces, little baby steps. I don’t want to wake up one day and suddenly I realize my hair is white and my skin is fissured and saggy. Let’s not even discuss where my boobs are likely to end up. Like I said, best to process in bits and pieces. Then one also has to wonder what effects the stressing over the signs of aging and increased chemical exposure will have on my body. Am I just speeding up the process? Am I making my body work even harder and wearing it out even faster?
I’ve been doing some research on some of the chemicals commonly used in health and beauty products and the research is rather disturbing. As usual, as more research gets done we find out that things once thought to be safe aren’t so much, or that nobody has bothered yet to look at the cumulative effects slathering our bodies with so many different products, often from many different brands can have over a long period of time. In all fairness, though, how on earth would researchers even begin to tackle those experiments? I’m thinking I need to be a lot easier on my body and stop bombarding it with so stuff it has to figure out what to do with. Then there’s the chemicals I’m producing myself.
The effects of stress and cortisol are becoming increasingly more popular topics, at least I seem to be hearing more and more about it, could be my research on how to handle the emotional rollercoaster from the ordeal of trying to have a baby and it not going so well. Stressing about how I look, or used to look, or trying to look the way I used to look, or trying to look even better than I used to look, surely isn’t going to give me a youthful glow.
Nope, I think my time and energy, and ok the money too, will be far wiser spent on better pursuits. I have far more valuable things to contribute to this planet and the residents upon it than what color(s) my hair is at any given point in time. Is there anything you can think of to give up in order to free up some of your resources more worthwhile endeavors?